Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound (including The Great Humbling)
The Great Humbling S5E5: 'Make Populism Good Again?'

The Great Humbling S5E5: 'Make Populism Good Again?'

Here's a rundown of references from this episode...

Leah Rampy, Earth & Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos

Bill Drummond, 45

David Mitchell, Unruly 

David Graeber & David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything

Jay LeSoleil, 'Green' Elites vs Green Left Populism

Avtryck/Imprint – a documentary from the Swedish Transition Towns movement

Chris Smaje (from 2016), 'Why I'm still a populist despite Donald Trump: elements of a left agrarian populism'

'Desert' – an anonymous anarchist text, quoted in Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World

Debbie Kasper, 'Microcosm of Transition' – about the day the cow came home

Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound (including The Great Humbling)
How will they look in hindsight, these strange times we are living through? Is this a midlife crisis on humanity's road to the Star Trek future – or the point at which that story of the future unravelled and we came to see how much it had left out? What if our current crises are neither an obstacle to be overcome, nor the end of the world, but a necessary humbling?
These are the kind of questions which we set out to explore in The Great Humbling. We hope you'll join us and let us know what you think.
Ed Gillespie & Dougald Hine